Thursday, April 11, 2019

Sadness to New Life

All of us know what sadness is, because all of us have experienced being sad. We all know the meaning of sadness. The meaning that I am referring to is not the meaning that comes from Wikipedia or from a dictionary, but a meaning that comes from our experience of sadness. There are people who claim that priests or single people are sadder than married people. It is because they associate sadness with being alone.

We all know and experience being sad. It is like looking at your email or facebook and there is no message from a person who is special to you. It is like hearing a phone ringing; expecting a phone call from a friend, and then, it is a different person on the line. It is like leaving the garage, knowing that your friend, your wife, your husband would have to be away for a long, long time. We all know the experience of sadness. And Jesus, being truly human knew what sadness meant as well.

The cure for sadness is not being with friends, the cure for sadness is not marriage. The cure to sadness is “time”. We have to be patient. All of us go through sadness. Sadness is not a dead end that we must avoid. Sadness is a road that all of us have to pass through, because at the end of that road, there is only new life. And only people who are willing to face the troubles, the pains of sadness will be able to discover the beauty and power of life. Those people who are willing to walk in the darkness of the night are the only ones who can see the beauty of the stars.

Indeed, sadness is painful, but it is a beautiful pain because it is pain that leads to life. A woman needs to undergo the pain of childbirth in order to give life. Furthermore, let us look on Jesus, He did not escape sadness. In His agony in the Garden of Olives, He said, “Father if it is possible, take this cup of suffering away from me.” In His agony on the cross, He also cried out: “My God, my God why have you forsaken me?” Let us all remember that the Heart of Jesus felt that pain of sadness like we all do. He understands what we are all going through. But the heart of Jesus did not run away or escape from sadness. The Heart of Jesus faced sadness with a great amount of courage; and because of that, all of us now are experiencing new life.

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