Thursday, April 11, 2019

Experiencing God

An author by the name of Jeanette Bakke said, “We may recognize God’s presence in ways that seem exquisitely gentle or almost ferocious.” These words remind me of Elijah’s story wishing to find and experience God in the midst of persecution. He found God not in the powerful wind, not in the earthquake and certainly not in the fire but in a gentle whisper (1 Kings 19:1112).

God is always present, that was His promise, that He will never leave His people until the end of time (Mt 28:20). His presence reaches out to everyone who wishes to develop a genuine and loving relationship with Him. One can compare God to air. One cannot see the air, but there is no doubt that it exists, because without air, one will surely die. God is like the air, one can sometimes feel the warmth of His love and sometimes, others would say that He is cold, simply because He did not answer one’s prayers or plea. Whatever maybe the case, God’s presence will always be there for His people, everyday and every time, that is why one of His attributes is omnipresence. This attribute of God means He is always present. He is present in one’s joy, pain, suffering, sickness and even death. How can an individual experience the presence of God? In my opinion, by simply being conscious that He is present.

 I once had a rough week because of many scheduled appointments, chores in the rectory and church, confessions, Masses, spiritual direction sessions, counseling sessions, school work, catechism classes and evening meetings with different organizations. It took a toll on me. I felt dry and exhausted. I couldn’t reflect and prepare well for my homilies. And I was distracted in my prayers. After that week I decided to go to Seal Beach to clear my head. This beach was just a 15 to 20 minute drive from the parish. I intend to pray my Liturgy of the Hours and talk to God at the beach. When I arrived, there were only handful of people present, the sun was about to set and the sound of the waves were so amazing to hear. I felt like the waves invited me to listen to their symphony.

With great awe and wonder, I just sat on the clean sand and simply enjoyed the beautiful moment. I was so absorbed that I didn’t realized that almost an hour had passed. I wasn’t able to say my Liturgy of the Hours, I wasn’t even listening to God to what He was about to tell me at that moment and situation in my life. I just know that God was there, silent beside me. It was a very reassuring moment that He was there to love me.

 I went back to the parish smiling and I didn't even know why I was smiling. I felt energized and I felt peace. I know and I simply believe that I experienced God at the beach.

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