Thursday, July 30, 2020

Affirmations for Making it Through Your Day

I get it.  There are some days when it’s just hard to keep going.  These kinds of days may have become more frequent since we have been dealing with COVID-19 restrictions and restructuring of work and school routines, not to mention simple, everyday routines like going to the grocery store or taking a walk.  Something that might help in dealing with the stress of facing yet more weeks of the ominous “unknown” might be coming up with an affirmation to repeat to yourself throughout the day.

One that I am particularly fond of, which I have as my laptop wallpaper is a saying popularized by John and Hank Green of YouTube fame.  Just some of their channels include vlogbrothers, scishow, and crashcourse if you want to check them out.  They remind each other, as well as their YouTube audience, “Don’t forget to be awesome” or “DFTBA” for short.  I like this one because it is an invitation to evaluate my own behavior.  It is a chance for me to think about the consequences of my actions, in the immediate sense as well as in the near and distant future.  Also, it ties into a pop-culture trend I was a fan of in my college years.

Another affirmation I am reminded of recently is one of my grandmother’s sayings.  “Don’t be that helpless.”  Take control of your situation as much as you can.  Don’t just be a spectator in life.  I shared this affirmation with a group of music teachers who invited my mom and me to be a part of their Katinka Day, in honor of my grandmother being the founder of their organization chapter.

An affirmation we get from a saint is St. Julian of Norwich’s “All will be well.  All manner of things will be well.”  It never hurts to have a hopeful outlook on life, even when the situation seems dire.  It’s a good reminder that things won’t be terrible and awful forever.

And of course, there is the classic, “Keep Calm and Carry On,” which speaks for itself.

What affirmations do you use or might you use to help you get through rough days?

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