Thursday, May 2, 2019

Marian Titles: Mirror of Justice, Seat of Wisdom, Cause of Our Joy

Traditionally, the month of May is celebrated as the month of Mary in the Catholic Church.  So, this month, this blog will be dedicated to various titles of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  These titles are found in the Litany of Loreto, which may be recited after the rosary.  You can find the full litany here.  Each week, I will delve a little deeper into three or four Marian titles from the middle section of the litany.

Mirror of Justice

According to Christopher Heffron, “Every title linked to Mary makes sense only in relation to how completely she cooperated with God’s grace and how perfectly she models being a disciple of Jesus” (source)  Mary’s life was far from fair, but she accepted God’s will for her.  From the beginning of her life, when she was immaculately conceived, she was prepared to be the mother of God.  And, when the angel Gabriel informed her of her divine “destiny”, she accepted selflessly:  “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord.  May it be done to me according to your word” (Luke 1:38).  Throughout Jesus’ life, when Mary would encounter a particularly trying time—giving birth in a stable, and losing Jesus in Jerusalem at twelve years old, for example—“Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart” (Luke 2:19 NABRE translation). 

Mirrors reflect what is in front of them.  We hear very few of Mary’s actual words in the four Gospels, but her actions speak of wanting the best for those around her, as her son Jesus does.  So Mary, as the Mirror of Justice, presents to us a manner of living that advocates for fairness to all.

Seat of Wisdom

Picture an image of Mary with the Child Jesus, and what probably comes to mind is Mary with Jesus sitting in her lap.  Jesus is the second person of the Trinity.  He is God, three in one and one in three.  He has an intimate relationship with the other two persons of the Trinity:  the Father and the Holy Spirit.  And one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is wisdom.  In the Advent hymn “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” we implore, “O Come, O Wisdom from on high.”  So, this particular title of Mary is more literal than it may appear at first.  She is literally a seat for Wisdom incarnate in the person of Jesus.

Cause of Our Joy

Mary models for us how to live life without complaint.  As I mentioned earlier while discussing Mary, Mirror of Justice, she faced life and took time to ponder her difficulties.  A different translation of Luke 2:19 states that Mary “treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart” (NRSV translation, emphasis added).  She shows us how to find joy in the mundane, everyday moments of life, as well as in the bigger events.  If Mary could find a reason to be happy during the “boring” parts of life, surely we can as well.

Next week:  Mary as Spiritual Vessel, Vessel of Honor, Singular Vessel of Devotion, and Mystical Rose

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