Thursday, July 14, 2016

Can You See Me Now?

On the way to the grocery store the other day I pulled in to the parking lot just ahead of a black luxury sedan driven by a large, middle aged man with dark hair.  I had seen him once before in our quiet neighborhood; when he commented on my driving technique by using an Italian hand gesture foretelling my impending death.  Quite frankly, he terrified me.

Pulling over to the curb so he could pass, I watched as he turned into a space, cut short, and hit a new family-style van, crunching the rear quarter panel.  He straightened out, pulled through, and parked one row in front of the van.  I eased down the aisle, parked one row behind the van, and crouched behind my steering wheel, waiting to see what he would do next.

He exited his sedan wearing a dark overcoat, $600 shoes, and a tailored suit.  As he walked around the front of his car, he glanced at his fender, and continued towards the store.

What!  He was supposed to carefully examine the other vehicle.  He was supposed to write a little note and stick it under the windshield wiper, claiming responsibility and giving his personal and insurance information.  He was supposed to, well… care.

I went to Catholic school, and let me tell you those nuns taught us to follow the rules and always tell the truth.  So my first reaction was horror.  Did he not realize the eternal consequences to his soul?  Even worse, did he just not care?

 My second reaction was outrage.  Who did he think he was, after all?  What right did he have to just waltz away from his responsibility and leave someone else holding the bag?  Finally, I got around to indignity and self-righteousness.  Why, I would never do something like that!  And then practicality hit, and I sucked in my breath sharply as the truth hit me full strength.  Because what if I did something wrong and someone saw me?  They could turn me in, or gossip about me, and everyone in the world would know!  

But here’s the thing.  Someone did see. Someone always sees.  Our All-Knowing and All-Loving God.  Who is, by the way, much more humbling than some brutish Mafioso.  And I’m willing to bet He has a much better sense of humor about a botched left turn.

So what about you?  How do you decide what to do in questionable situations?   Do you do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do?  Or do you do it because you are afraid you will get caught?

Thursday, July 7, 2016

July 10, 2016-15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Reflection-C

This Sunday we are reminded to live the gospel message in our daily lives, and that we bring Christ to everyone we meet.  This is a heavy charge given to us.  First we must live in the way Christ taught us by living the commandments and gospel message.  We must keep the commandments and be living examples of the joy Christ brings to our lives when we live as we should.  We must live a moral life, without tolerating sin in our lives.  Then we need to love those around us where they are. 

We must also be good neighbors to everyone around us.  Loving the sinner means bringing Christ to them.  We heal their wounds, meet their physical needs, and help when and where we can.  But then we are asked to meet their spiritual needs.  We cannot stop with just the body, but we need to bring the message of Christ and his healing power to their souls as well.  Sin needs to be acknowledged so it can be forgiven.  Christ always forgave the sins of those he healed.  Usually before he healed them he forgave their sins, because that was more important.  “Your sins are forgiven, now go and sin no more”, was a phrase often heard by Jesus.  So now the charge for us: Go and live the gospel message, healing body and soul of those you encounter, to bring all to Christ to live with him in his eternal kingdom.