Nothing in this world is as enlightening as teaching a class
of 1st graders. I remember being panic-stricken when I first
started. I was in a complete frenzy anticipating that first class. I had a
contingency plan for every possible situation. I knew I was going to be a
complete and utter flop. I mean really, what I knew about teaching religion
could fill a thimble. What I didn’t know, and what I wasn’t prepared for was
that, really, I’m the student. It’s the darndest thing what a bunch of seven-year-olds
can teach you about Jesus’ Great Commandment. More than ten years after that
first day, a veteran catechist, I’m still the student. Both in the classroom
and out!
I’m learning how easy it is—with just a little thought—to incorporate
my religious values into my daily life. And how it’s even easier not to. It’s
all about intentionality, right? Today, I “intend” to go for a run. I ate my Wheaties.
The breakfast of champions. I’m
outfitted in my best trail-running shoes. Built
to take what nature dishes out. I popped a couple of ibuprofen. Pushing past the pain of yesterday’s run.
I intend to run, but I have to actually get my butt off this (extremely comfy) kitchen
stool, get out there (hmm… it’s cloudy—rain?), put one foot in front of the
other (ibuprofen must be defective … still feel my shins!) and start running.
Okay, that’s it … I’m grabbing my iPod and my neoprene knee
supports (in case you were starting to be impressed by my athletic prowess) and
I’ll be back in a couple hours.
Intention, purpose, aim, intent, goal, target, objective, plan
or the Holy Spirit … you still have to get out there and do it.
Recalling my very first blog post, I was troubled that faith
was becoming something that just happens for an hour or so on Sunday, instead
of being part of my everyday intention. Faith is part of our joys, part of our difficulties
and part of our day-to-day experiences. To connect faith with our lives, we
have to stop and take notice of God who is steadily working there.
This week, I “intend” to take notice, cozy kitchen stool
or not.
How do you take notice of God in your life?
God is with me, but more,
God is within me, giving me existence.
Let me dwell for a moment on God's life-giving presence
in my body, my mind, my heart
and in the whole of my life.
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