Monday, April 9, 2012

The Best Version of Yourself - Matthew Kelly

There are many things that people cannot agree on at this moment in history. Our culture and communities are increasingly divided by differing opinions and a whole range of issues. Be this as it may be, we believe that all men and woman of good will can agree that each man, woman, and child should have the resources and opportunities to explore, celebrate, and become the-best-version-of-themselves. We are committed to providing resources that educate and inspire people to become a-better-version-of-themselves each and every day. 

Mathew Kelly shares his first-rate ideas of how we can regenerate interest and engagement among Catholics today. In his (entertaining) RE Congress workshop, he discusses some game-changers and teaches us what we can do differently in our life and in our parish. Take the time to watch this incredible video by one of the great spiritual voices of our times.

Eight hundred years ago, a young man searching for meaning in his life went into a dilapidated old church and heard the voice of God speak to him: "Rebuild my church. As you can see, it is in ruins." If you and I listen carefully, I believe we will hear the same voice saying the same thing in our hearts today.

Francis's first response was to repair and rebuild a number of churches in and around Assisi, but the voice kept calling to him: "Francis, rebuild my church. As you can see it is in ruins."

Over the past twenty-five years, we have spent a lot of time, energy, and money building and restoring the physical facilities of our churches. But the voice of God continues to call to us. Once again, God is saying, "Rebuild my church," and the rebuilding that needs to be done now is of the spiritual nature.~ Rediscover Catholicism-A  spiritual guide to living with passion & purpose, by Matthew Kelly

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