Thursday, December 19, 2019

Advent Themes for Focusing Prayer Part 3 of 4: Joy

Rejoice!  The Lord is coming!  Our theme for the third week of Advent is joy.  We take a break from the violet, more subdued theme of the rest of the season, and celebrate in rose, by lighting the rose candle and, if the parish has them, by the priest wearing rose vestments.  We are rapidly approaching Christmas.  It’s time to get excited!

I liken this time of year to the feeling of anticipation I get when arriving at a final destination or coming home after a long road trip.  For many, many years, my family made yearly road trips to Southern California to visit family members there.  I recall the feeling of joyful impatience when we would reach the city limits and I could start counting down the exits until we would be at my grandmother’s house.  And, when we returned home after a long time away, it was a similar feeling when we got closer to home.  I just wanted to get there already!

It is, of course, important to take journeys, whether actual or figurative, in our lives.  The process of getting somewhere gives us an opportunity to grow.  But, imagine if we took absolutely no pleasure in the act of getting from point A to point B.  What would our lives be like then?  It would be a nearly unbearable slog from one thing or place to another.

So, this week, reflect on the things in your life that bring you joy.  What are you looking forward to in the not so distant future?  What do you have to be grateful for?  Thank God for this opportunity to wait joyfully for the good things to come.

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