Thursday, June 13, 2019

The GREATEST Miracle of All

A few Years ago, I was privileged to watch a musical play with the theme of “Why can’t we all see miracles?” In all probability many of us will also conclude that that the era of miracles is over. We do not see miracles anymore.

What is a miracle? According to Wikipedia, it is an event not explicable by natural or scientific laws. It is an extraordinary event without a physical or a natural explanation. If you follow that definition, you will also discover that when the sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening that can also be a miracle. There is no explanation for it. Science may say something about it but questions will continue to rise. Questions like, why it never stops rising in the morning and setting in the evening. We do not consider it as a miracle because we have become used to it.

On the other hand, if the sun does not rise in the morning and does not set in the evening, it might not be considered a miracle. Science would call it a phenomenon or an abnormality, even if it is an event not explicable by natural or scientific laws. Actually, the truth of the matter is, and the real miracle is that the sun still rises and sets; the real miracle is that a baby is born; the real miracle is that you are still alive. These are real miracles because there is no explanation for these things.

Many scientists and doctors can give us explanations of how these things happen; but the real ultimate explanation can only be traced to the Supreme Being who is God. He is responsible for making everything possible.

The point that I am trying to emphasize is that the era of miracles is not over. We still have miracles. The fact is that the miracles have become so ordinary that we do not consider them miracles anymore. Let us continue to see with eyes of faith the marvels and miracles that continue to unfold before us. Let us be sensitive to the wonders of God, telling us that we are special to Him. Let us be grateful that despite our unfaithfulness, He remains faithful. Despite our sinfulness, He continues to bless us and never fails to show us His unconditional love in the beauty of creation. God, loving us is the greatest miracle of all.

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