Thursday, October 25, 2018

Rosary Series (Part 4 of 4): So What am I Going to Get Out of This?

This month, this blog has focused on the Rosary.  It has covered personal relationships with the Rosary, Rosary novenas, and the mysteries of the Rosary.  Today, I want to address the question, “So what am I going to get out of this?”  What do we get when we pray the Rosary regularly?

The Blessed Virgin Mary made fifteen promises to St. Dominic when she gave him the prayers of the Rosary.  These promises are enumerated on this site.  In brief:
  • ·         our prayers will be answered (whether we get the answers to our prayers that we want or are hoping for is a different matter entirely, but we are promised an answer)
  • ·         we will be spiritually prepared for death
  • ·         ultimately, we will go to heaven and enjoy eternal life with God
  • ·         the world will be a better place because God will be at work in us, and 
  • ·         Mary assures us of her personal intercession with her son, Jesus

All well and good, one might say, but what do I get out of it?  The answer to that is similar to the answer you might receive when looking into any remedy:  results may vary.  It depends on the intent behind the devotion.  If we intend to spend mindful time in prayer, it is preferable to doing it for the sake of doing it, just because we know we should.

I will admit, there are times I pray simply because I know I should, with very little thought to the deeper reasons why I should.  Developing a habit of prayer goes beyond making it an obligation.  Our motivation in developing a habit of prayer needs to come from a place of recognition that we need God’s help in our lives, and the way we ask for that help is through prayer.  When we pray the rosary regularly, not only are we assured of God’s help in some way.  We know that we have a mediator in Heaven in the Blessed Virgin Mary as well, and she only wants good things for us.

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