Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Join Us Under the Walnut Tree

Expose yourself to the light of Christ and get a "God tan" this summer!

Join us the third Wednesday of the month, as we enjoy a summer twilight while discussing Matthew Kelly’s book, Rediscovering Catholicism.  The next gathering will be Wednesday July 18th at 5:30p in Gosselin Hall (or out in the delightful yard...).  Pencil in August 15, although it is a Holy Day and we didn't reach a consensus about whether to meet or not.  (Personally, I am inclined to maintain the schedule.  Gathering on the Feast of the Assumption might even inspire us in new ways.  Weigh in if you have thoughts about this.)

Last month we enjoyed a fruitful discussion under the spreading branches of the walnut tree by the rectory.  Thanks once again to Kathleen Stewart for pizzas!

Routinely making time for God in our busy lives seems to be an important and recurring theme in our conversations.  The kick off question, "are you thriving, or just surviving?" generated many thoughtful comments.  Thriving requires simple action.  Taking advantage of the sacraments, making small changes in our daily habits, and praying from the heart are examples that were offered by group members.

Communicating to others the values of a Christian and Catholic life starts with letting ourselves become more like Christ.  Love one another, serve others, let cars in on the freeway instead of cutting them off... Following Christ takes humility and discipline, but the rewards of putting God first and doing the work--for ourselves, families, parishes and culture--are awesome. 

For our next gathering, we'll be reading to the end of Part Two (I think that's chapter 11), learning how to use the lives of the saints as examples for our own.

My goal: make more time for God today than I did yesterday.


PS:  Feel free to pass this note along to others and invite them to come join the conversation.   Not everyone talks, but everybody listens; and it's all good stuff.

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